Jeanette Brooke Fitness
Teaching women quick, effective workouts, eating for purpose, and providing a supportive fitness community
Teaching women quick, effective workouts, eating for purpose, and providing a supportive fitness community
I'm the founder of Boundless Beauties, a fitness and wellness program that empowers women from all walks of life and levels of ability to improve their health.
I AM A ...
ACE Certified personal trainer
Fitness nutrition specialist
Army wife
Mom to three very active boys
A volunteer in my community
AND I have overcome the challenges of living with two autoimmune disorders
After having my first son and losing 92 lbs by working out at home, I developed a passion for helping others gain the knowledge, confidence, and tools needed to sustain a healthy mind and body. I have helped people all over the world build a strong foundation that will support their health and fitness journey for a lifetime!
I believe fitness should be for everyone. I've designed my fitness and nutrition programs to be easy to start so that first step is the easiest one you'll ever take!
Come as you are. My workout routines are designed to support all levels and include modifications for beginners as well as advanced beauties.
Each step in my workouts includes written instructions, an animated gif or video of how to properly perform the step, and modifications for all levels.
Enjoy complete flexibility and control over your workouts with my fitness mobile app. Complete your workout anytime, anywhere!
Join our vibrant community of women and men to gain fitness tips and incredible support for your wellness journey!
Fitness is one piece of overall health and wellness. Nutrition, sleep, hydration, and mental health all play important roles, and my programs address each of these.
I use to be overweight, uncomfortable in my own skin, and extremely unhappy. I lost 92lbs after having my first child. 10 years and 4 kids later and I feel the healthiest and strongest I ever have!
That's right! I lost 92lbs without ever going to a gym! My workouts are designed to be done at home, but can be utilized at a gym, on the beach, anywhere your heart desires!:)
I believe in connecting your mind, body , and soul to reach your true potential. Let me show you how to build a strong mind and body and learn to live a healthy, sustainable life!
Jeanette Brooke Fitness
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